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Stone Slinger Services in Detroit

If you're looking for stone slingers in the Detroit area, you've come to the right place.

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Commercial and Residential Detroit Stone Slinger Services

We offer both commercial and residential stone slinger services in the Detroit area.

Why Stone Slingers?

Stone slingers are versatile, cost efficient, and precise in a way that previous solutions were not. They can transport materials up or down steep slopes, sling materials up to 90 feet, allow for rapid placement and spreading of the material, and more. The savings that result from using a stone slinger instead of manual labor can be passed on to the customer to make sure you’re saving money.

What will it cost?

The cost of renting a stone slinger will vary depending on the size of your project, as well as how long it will take to complete. Contact us today to receive a quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Superior Groundcover can dispatch up to 6 stone slingers depending on the size and time constraints of your project.


stone slinger

Stone Slinger Services

Whether you’re looking to install mulch in a new playground, backfill your pool, or complete another residential or commercial landscaping project, stone slinger trucks are a high-quality, cost-effective solution. Superior ...